Music Therapy

Our board-certified music therapists are trained staff members of the Hospice Care Team who provide live, patient-preferred music to achieve therapeutic goals within each patient’s Plan of Care. 

Music Therapists use evidence-based techniques to achieve patient-specific goals such as:

  • Pain management
  • Self-expression and positive coping
  • Positive stimulation
  • Reduce agitation or anxiety
  • Increase comfort related to respiratory symptoms
  • Increase quality of life

Music Therapists use evidence-based techniques to achieve patient-specific goals such as:

  • Pain management
  • Self-expression and positive coping
  • Positive stimulation
  • Reduce agitation or anxiety
  • Increase comfort related to respiratory symptoms
  • Increase quality of life
To learn more about our music therapy program, please contact Ashley Hall, MT-BC, CDP at
Music Therapy is available to all BBH patients at no cost.